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About Us



Our Clinic

Dr Liew practices with more than 40 years of experience. Having set up his clinic in 1984 in this humble township of Desa Jaya, he is akin to a kind friend to his loyal patients. Unlike other busy doctors, he believes in investing time on his patients, he listens, he empathises. He lives by the oath; 'To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always'.


廖医生他对患者如同亲人,态度和蔼,热情周到;对患者和家属的询问, 百问不烦,有问有答;他用温馨的态度微笑的服务, 努力消除患者和其他患者精神上的负担,减轻了他们心理上的压力, 给他们精神上极大的安慰,廖医生不但医德高尚, 医术也十分高明,他对待工作一丝不苟,从不放过任何个细微的可疑之处, 努力解除患者的病痛,他不为名、不为利,不辞辛苦经常加班,非常负责,提供便捷优质的医疗服务。 他把参与专门科治理资料整理的很有特色, 有条有理为更多需要救助的患者带去健康梦。 医师还经常打电话和病人联系, 及时安排必要的检查和住院治疗,处处为病人着想、医术高明、医德高尚的好医生!

Providing you the best staff for the best care

Dr. Liew

Graduated from Military University Taiwan with Honours. Trained in both rural hospitals in East Malaysia and also metropolitan hospitals in Taipei. 

𧙗民医务所位中心,核心地带, 这家诊所并不是特别豪华,布置简单、干净,灯光是柔和的暖色调,让人感觉舒适。

Rofidah bt Ahmad

Served in this field for more than 20 years. Rofidah has joined Klinik Liew in 2011 as senior clinic assistant and has been a dedicated member since.

护士——平凡的工作,时刻面对患者,一个微笑、一声问候,都是一剂良药,温暖心绪烦躁、痛苦不堪的病人冷酷的心灵。 护士的工作岗位上已默默耕耘了20个年头了,虽然只是平凡的一位护理人员,但她深爱着她的职业。 她对工作认真负责,在工作上勤勤恳恳,对待病人认真负责,积极回答病人提出的问题和要求。

Nur Najihah bt Ridwan

Clinic assistant who is experienced in nursing and customer relations.

新助手护士 Nur 护理工作是繁杂而辛苦的,她以良好的服务态度为病人提供优质服务,把爱心献给每一位患者, 做患者的守护天使,为医务所护理工作的推动和发展起到了一个很好的窗口。

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