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August's reading: Euthanasia

“Lay my body thereupon and kindle it with flaming pine-torch. And let no tear of mourning be seen there.”

Title, Author:《雪花飄落之前:我生命中最後的一課》 瓊瑤

When we lose complete control of how our lives turn out, is it sin to choose if we live or die?

In The Women of Trachis, the protagonist Herakles suffers from unbearable pain and asks his son to help him end his life. The son refuses to be a murderer guilty of his blood.

Heracles replies, "No, I am not. I ask you to be my healer, or healer of my sufferings, sole physician of my pain.”

The month of August I have spent my quiet evenings after dinner poring over the pages of a lady's account of her husband's illness. A book worth reading and reread twice. Come all readers are welcome to discuss and debate the sensitivities in this controversy. Walk-ins welcome for a sit down and chat.

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